Water source
Lake Champlain
Filtration solution
9 X 10’’ EBS filters, 25 micron
The newest of five stations operated by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department for the purpose of providing fish to public waters throughout the State. The fish culture station is designed to take advantage of the different water temperatures in Lake Champlain through the use of a pair of intake lines. Water is drawn from shallow and deep levels in the lake, and can be blended to provide the right temperature for rearing trout and salmon.
The station receives water from a lake in which Zebra Mussels were identified and invaded the shallow water intake. Penetrating and settling of Zebra Mussels in the water system will completely destroy the function of the hatchery. The Hatchery stopped using the shallow water and use only the deep water intake, requiring heavy investment in energy for heating.
• Nine 10’’ EBS filters, 25 micron. • 3’’ pneumatic butterfly Flushing valves. • Two flushing auxiliary pumps to allow flushing at low pressure conditions. • Multi option Control board. Control board: Designed by: Amiad IL. • Produced by: Flowtronex PSI, USA.
- The system was supplied in July 96 and commissioned in June 1997.
- After two years the hatchery is using the shallow water intake thus saving energy.
- The experience gained at Vermont with Zebra Mussels will assist us with future inquiries in this market.