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Cooling Tower Sidestream Filtration Upgrade, Australia

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Cooling Tower

icon Water source Water source

Cooling Tower Sidestream

icon Filtration solution Filtration solution

4” Mini Sigma + ARI valves

Cooling Tower Sidestream Filtration Upgrade, Australia
4'' Mini Sigma Angle
Cooling Tower Sidestream Filtration Upgrade, Australia


The cooling tower system at a large shopping center in the Newcastle area required a filtration upgrade to improve water quality and efficiency. Like any system of this kind, atmospheric dust and foreign objects get into the water and without proper filtration can accumulate through the system, lowering cooling efficiency, increasing chemical costs, and requiring more frequent manual cleaning.


The existing outdated automatic hydraulic screen filter was not coping with the heavy loads of this system. As such, the cooling towers were having to be frequently drained and manually cleaned.
This led to higher water use and increased labor and chemical costs.


Amiad Water Systems and its local partner, Envirotech, worked together to provide a solution package consisting of:
• Amiad 4” Mini Sigma filter equipped with the ADI-P controller with Bluetooth® wireless technology, and a 100 micron screen
• A.R.I R20 series pressure sustaining valve
• A.R.I NR-010 check valve with flow switch
• A.R.I micro Barak air valve
Having previous experience with the Mini Sigma filters for similar applications, Envirotech was confident that it would be a reliable and cost-effective solution for the end user’s needs.
With Amiad’s products and support, Envirotech was able to assemble a complete skid- mounted package including the circulation pump, 316SS pipework, isolation valves, and flow meter – all to suit the space constraints of the site. This allowed the end user to quickly and easily complete the final install of the system on site, with minimal system downtime and difficulty.


The cooling water filtration / pump package was commissioned and tuned quickly and easily. Amiad’s high quality product and expert local staff, along with Envirotech’s skid package design and integration, meant that the system
commissioning was fast and efficient, and instantly started achieving great results for the end user.
The system operates reliably to keep the towers clean, saving chemical use and reducing the labor costs of manual cleaning.
The cooling tower contractors have already reported a significant improvement in the general cleanliness of the cooling towers during their routine inspections.
The Mini Sigma had to work very hard on the first day (98 flushes!) to clean the tower water – despite being completely drained and professionally cleaned in the days before. After the initial hard filtering, the system settled into equilibrium and the filter maintains the water to a clean state.